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What is Genie

Genie is a groundbreaking AI-powered generative interactive environment developed by the team at Framer. It is the first of its kind, trained in an unsupervised manner from vast amounts of unlabeled internet videos. This 11-billion parameter "foundation world model" can generate an endless variety of action-controllable virtual worlds, described through text, synthetic images, photographs, and even sketches.

What Genie does

At its core, Genie enables users to act within the generated environments on a frame-by-frame basis, despite being trained without any ground-truth action labels or other domain-specific requirements typically found in world models. This is a remarkable feat, as it allows for true interactivity and user agency within the virtual worlds created by Genie.Furthermore, the learned latent action space of Genie facilitates the training of agents to imitate behaviors from unseen videos, paving the way for the development of highly capable and versatile AI agents of the future. This opens up exciting possibilities for applications ranging from gaming and entertainment to simulation and training.

Who is Genie for

Genie is a powerful tool that caters to a wide range of users, from designers and developers to researchers and hobbyists. Designers and developers can leverage Genie's generative capabilities to create immersive and interactive prototypes, while researchers can explore the potential of Genie's world model and latent action space for advancing the field of artificial intelligence

‍Hobbyists and enthusiasts can also benefit from Genie, as it allows them to explore and interact with an endless array of virtual environments, fueling their creativity and imagination. The ability to generate worlds from text, images, and sketches opens up new avenues for creative expression and experimentatio

‍Overall, Genie represents a significant leap forward in the field of generative AI, offering users unprecedented control and interactivity within virtual environments. As a foundational technology, Genie has the potential to transform the way we design, develop, and interact with digital experiences.

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